Friday, September 18, 2009

You at 20 weeks...

Your beautiful profile. Now who do you look like?

You had your mouth open talking to me. I think you were probably already sassing me.

Your feet! They look huge!

You were waving at me!

These are a few weeks old but this is the day we found out you are our little GIRL!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What a weekend.....

Oh what a weekend. Saturday I went shopping with Amy for Jamie's wedding, and we shopped all day in the pouring rain. Bought you a cute little pink sweatsuit and some wall decorations for your room. Aunt Jen called and said that she had been given a bag of super cute littel girl clothes from a coworker. I was too excited to wait, so your dad and I went over there that night for dinner and to see all of the goodies. While the jury is still out on whether your Aunt Jen poisoned me or not...kidding.....I got home and started having some stomach pain. It got worse and worse until about an hour later when your dad decided that we were going to the emergency room. We went to Harris in Fort Worth and they wheeled me straight to the maternity ward. I tell you this story not because it was a glorious moment that I ever want to relive but it was this moment where I realized I would sacrifice all for you. Everything. Your dad and I just held hands and prayed the whole way to the hospital hoping that you would be okay. That God would keep his protective hand over you and keep you healthy. I couldn't feel you move, and I've never felt such fear. They hooked me up to the monitor and found your sweet heartbeat. There's never been a better sound. I think I just started crying knowing that you were okay. You can never doubt my love for you. So after contractions stopped (which I am convinced were at the hand of God), the doctor became concerned about my blood pressure. He decided to keep us until we could get it down to a healthy number. Again, by the power of God it slowly came down and 5 hours later we were able to head home. I've been told to rest and take things much easier. I am so sorry if I brought this on myself by not taking things easier and thinking that I could still act as if I wasn't carrying you. I feel such guilt that I put you at risk. I love you little butterbean and I promise to do everything I can to protect you and keep you healthy. Around 12 more weeks until I get to finally hold you!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We're in the double digits!

Holy cow sis! We are officially in the double digits! Reality set in the other day for your dad and I when we were putting groceries away and realized that some of our food expires AFTER you are here! That means it's getting close! I am totally scared! Frightened! Terrified! ...can you tell I'm a wee bit nervous about you? I'm still trying to wrap my brain around us being parents. Are we responsible enough? Are we ready? Are we even old enough? It's crazy to think that your mamaw and papaw had two kids by the time they were our age and your grandma and papaw had 3 kids by this time. Apparently we're old enough but still oh so scared. Will I know how to console you? Will I know how to decipher your cries? Will your dad remember to change your diaper on his day off? Will you love Emmy as much as we do? Will Emmy love you? What will you love? What will you hate? Who will you look like? I can't wait to see you and hold you. I think that will help pacify some of my anxieties. When I see a cute baby in a catalog or out somewhere I get lost thinking of you and who you are going to look like and what type of personality will you have. Will you have dark eyes like daddy and a shy personality like his too or will you be fair complected and outgoing like me? I can't wait for the day when we can talk and play Barbies together.
A brief update. You have found my bladder and you apparently enjoy hitting it like a punching bag. You are a very active little girl and your kicks, punches and elbows are getting more powerful. Sometimes it's hard not to bust out laughing when I'm in a meeting and I glance down at my belly and can see you doing Tae Bo in there. All of the books and updates say that you can hear my voice. I wonder if you know yet that I'm your mommy. Do you hear Daddy talk too? While I'm not quite sure that Emmy knows yet what is going on, she does enjoy laying on top of my belly. I'm sure you'll be used to hearing Emmy huffing and puffing since she's been laying on you almost daily.
We got your bed this weekend courtesy of Mamaw and Papaw and we bought the fabric for your bedding for Grandma to make. You have the best grandparents ever! AND the best great grandparents who are also already spoiling you. Although your dad said no pink walls, I've decided to paint your room pink. :) It's going to be super cute and I'm sure he'll love it. Mamaw, Aunt Jen, Amy and I all went to Canton last weekend and bought tons of amazing bows and sweet outfits. Aunt Jen is already asking when I will be letting you stay overnight with her. If anyone is going to spoil you's going to be her. I may have a hard time prying you out of her arms.
We are all so anxious to meet you. We love you so much little one!