Friday, July 2, 2010


As much as I've been trying to brainwash Reagan to say Mama first...or possibly Emmy...the inevitable happened and she said Dada! Ben had just walked in the room and I was holding her. She just looked up at him and sad it. So precioius! She is such a lucky girl to have such an amazing dad. Ben loves this little girl so much! Here are a few (okay several) of my favorite pictures of the two of them together.  

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Feelin' hOt HoT hOt!

Our baby girl is seven months and what a cutie! Check out how she's beating the heat this hot summer!

 Pants not required at
                                     the Grandparents' house!                                    

Looking a little like Elton John but still adorable!

Splishin' and Splashin' in her new pool!

How cute is this picture of her and and Ben!?
She was completely content just hanging out like this.

Almost crawling! SO close!